Thursday, October 21, 2010

What the Hell are they teaching our kids?

I took my daughter to school the other day and on the way she told me that one of her teachers was telling them about the origins of Halloween.  I fully expected a rant about Devil worshipping and goat killing (I live in the Bible belt after all). Instead I heard that Halloween is the morphing of Mexico's Day of the Dead.  I just about slammed on my brakes in the middle of a crowded street on morning rush hour.  After talking to her about the real origins (they are Pagan/Celtic) and dropping her off, I started to think about how my daughter told me her story.  She said it as if she where the worlds authority on the Halloween/Day of the Dead history.  I wonder how much other information the school is feeding my daughter that is completely wrong or biased.

When I was younger, but not a punk kid, I took a speech class at the local community college in Illinois.  I was one of the older students in the class.  I think I was actually older then the teacher.  And she would spend time each class talking about her social, political, and morale hang ups.  And I watched the students around me soak it in.  I think because I used to challenge her tirades, I got a 'C' in that class.  Anyone that knows me can tell you that I speak real good.  She actually told the class that she no longer used underarm deodorant because of the aluminum they used in the products, and that it would leech into your body and cause cancer.  It smelled real funky in that class for weeks afterwards.
I would like to hope that the people in a position to teach our children would also teach them to come to their own conclusions.  Making them think weird stuff is my job.

I can't wait to hear about the origins of Arbor Day.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone knows that Halloween is actually a holiday invented by the big 3 candy companies to push their product. Next holiday up is Christmas which was invented by the big 9 toy companies to push their products. There are no longer any true holidays. The word "holiday" was even invented by Billie Holiday to get people to recognize her name.
