Saturday, February 7, 2009

Why Blog?

So I've had at least two people ask me with in the space of 2 hours, "Why Blog?".
And I really don't have a good explanation for it. I think maybe it's because I feel like I'm missing out on something. I see these younger, smarter consultants come in to work in our group (not the brain dead off-shorers we just hired). All of them a blogging, tweeting, and IMing (just to name a few) and I feel left out. Maybe I think that if I do this, I can somehow make more information seep into my brain. So far, it's not working. I'll keep you posted on if anything changes and all of a sudden I turn into Stephen Hawking without the voice box and wheelchair.

I was talking to my wife, Suzy, last night. She is actually more connected in cyberspace then I am. The problem she has is with Twitter. She said she couldn't understand half the messages coming down the pipe. And I sometimes have this problem too. I believe that’s it is because we are looking at a new language being developed before our eyes. Between texting on your phones, pagers, and tweets people have to become more cryptic with their thoughts. I personally make fun of both of my sons for the text messages they leave me, and they drop letters, misspell words, or substitute numbers for words (4 being a prime example). But I find myself doing the same thing now. Y for yes, or K for okay. Sort of makes me feel like technology has defeated me in some way. Can I be very far from becoming a Borg? After all, Resistance is futile.

L8R, Steve

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